Haarup Maskinfabrik: Pioneering Green Transition with XOLTAs Solar Batteries

Haarup Maskinfabrik, a leading manufacturer of mixing machines for the construction industry, has dramatically transformed its energy consumption through a strategic partnership with Xolta.

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Executive Summary

Haarup Maskinfabrik, a leading manufacturer of mixing machines for the construction industry, has dramatically transformed its energy consumption through a strategic partnership with XOLTA. By installing 12 XOLTA solar battery systems, the company now enjoys energy self-sufficiency from March to November and reduces its winter electricity purchase by 50%.

Client Overview: Haarup Maskinfabrik

  • Industry: Construction Machinery Manufacturing
  • Location: Denmark
  • Challenge: To achieve energy self-sufficiency and reduce operational costs while committing to green conversion.

Despite the continuous operation of essential machinery and an all-electric car fleet, Haarup Maskinfabrik sought to minimize its carbon footprint and energy costs without compromising on efficiency.


  • Achieve significant energy self-sufficiency.
  • Reduce operational costs through efficient energy use.
  • Lead in the industry’s green transition.

Solutions Implemented

Haarup Maskinfabrik installed an additional 7 XOLTA solar batteries to their existing setup, totaling 12 systems. This strategic expansion enabled the storage of excess solar energy for use during off-peak hours, ensuring round-the-clock energy availability.

Results Achieved

  • Achieved energy self-sufficiency from March to November.
  • Reduced winter electricity purchases by 50%.
  • Transitioned the entire car fleet to electric, powered by stored solar energy.

“Green conversion is not just good for the planet; it’s good business. With XOLTAs efficient batteries, we’ve significantly cut our energy costs and taken a big step towards sustainability.”

Hans Christensen, Director and Owner.

Haarup Maskinfabrik’s journey with XOLTA exemplifies how businesses can embrace sustainability without sacrificing performance. Their commitment to green conversion, supported by XOLTAs reliable and efficient solar batteries, showcases a successful model for the industry.

Inspired by Haarup Maskinfabrik’s success? Discover how XOLTA can transform your energy strategy. Contact us today.

Quick Facts:

  • Client: Haarup Maskinfabrik
  • Industry: Construction Machinery Manufacturing
  • Solution: 12 XOLTA Solar Battery Systems
  • Results: Energy self-sufficiency (March-November), 50% reduced electricity purchase in winter.

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